BERSERKER GAMES was formed on the 3RD of January 2002 in South
Australia. It was a result of a game idea initially developed by William Gaythwaite in the early to mid 1990s. That game,
now known as the GLOBAL COMBAT SYSTEM started out in a very simple format and was played by a very small group of gamers.
It received enthusiastic reports from all that played and it was not until Malcolm Burrows approached the inventor of the
game that the idea of marketing it came to be.
Since Malcolm approached William in August 2001, much time has been spent
on developing the game by both of them. Each has spent literally hundreds of hours expanding the basic rulebooks and the individual
missions to get it to a marketable standard. Explanations needed to be clarified and rewritten, images for the equipment available
on paper in the game needed to be edited, new rules had to be invented and plenty of research needed to be undertaken, especially
the histories of various nations around the world.
William Gaythwaite was born in Western Australia and always wanted to join
the army. Early in 1989 the dream became a reality and he completed military training to become an artillery signaller. In
1991 he underwent parachute training, then went overseas for the first time with the army that same year. In 1993 he again
went overseas to Malaysia. In 1995 Bill was promoted to Bombadier and changed jobs within artillery to become a detachment
commander, in charge of a surface to air missile system. He was promoted to Sergeant at the beginning of 1999. In 2001 he
went on operational service for six months in East Timor with 4RAR, Australia's commando battalion. He returned to his air
defence unit after almost 12 months with 4RAR and was soon exercising with his unit in South East Asia in 2003. In 2004
he was posted to theCombat Arms Training Centre as an instructor and is still in the army today. Bill is married
with three sons and has travelled to South America, New Zealand, Easter Island and Tahiti.
Malcolm Burrows was born in Queensland and joined the army in 1990. He
was posted to 16 Air Defence Regiment as a missile system operator. Malcolm has undergone exercises with the army in the United
States in 1993 and Malaysia in 1995. 1995 saw Malcolm promoted to Bombadier and the following year he gained a qualification
in the disposal of unexploded ordnance. In 1997 Malcolm undertook parachute training and went overseas in 1998 for several
months as part of a rifle company to Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Thailand. During the first half of 2003 Malcolm
was deployed to the Persian Gulf in the war against Iraq. He was promoted to Sergeant in January 2004. He is married
without children and will soon travel to South Africa and Egypt with his wife.
After hundreds of hours and months of work the game is becoming a reality. BERSERKER
GAMES are getting ready to release their first product in 2003. We hope this brings as many hours of enjoyment and fun to
everyone who purchases the Global Combat System as it has been producing it.